Jerry Greenough - Sample Projects
Jerry Greenough

Jerry Greenough

Welcome to my sample projects page ! On this site you'll find a variety of articles that have involved development work in mathematics, geometry and mechanical engineering involving languages such as Python, C++ and MathJax. I'd be delighted to hear from anyone wishing to comment on any of the projects shown here.


Scientific software developer with a background in mathematics, certificate in Data Analytics from UNCC, and supplemental degrees in CAE. Proficient in Python, C++ and MathJax. Extensive commercial programming experience involving the solution of complex engineering problems by the development of mathematical and scientific software. Demonstrates expertise in maintaining legacy software and providing a high level of technical support to clients and colleagues via seminars. Enjoys solving interesting and challenging problems by creating robust and maintainable software.

Meshing Videos

Python, Matplotlib, Patches, FFMpeg

Chamber Music

Python, SqlAlchemy, SQL

Mecklenburg County

Python, Geopandas

Elliptic Integrals

Python, MathJax

Predicting Affluency Using Energy Time Series

Python, scikit-learn, Machine Learning

Smart Meter Energy Consumption

Python, Data Analytics

A Choropleth Map of North Carolina

Python, Javascript, Leaflet.js, D3, Flask, SqlAlchemy, PostgreSQL

Health Demographics

JavaScript, D3

Torsional Stress

C++, CLAPACK, Fortran


Python, Matplotlib, PyTorch

Plane Fitting

C++, Armadillo, Math


Python, Pandas, Beautiful Soup, Matplotlib